
Agrarian Conflicts Continue

Dear friends,

We would like to inform you that at the present our farmers, mostly our own parents, are under hard pressures from the government. Now they are represented by the provincial police institution. Police has accused us unilaterally as damaging our forests with illegal logging.

While in fact, we strongly accuse in turn, ever since we raise this issue, that such bad activities of cutting down wood trees in productive areas of the so-called "productive forest" are actually conducted by other parties, i.e. the state-owned forest companies of Perhutani.

Perhutani actually is the main "land lord" in Indonesia, which is state-owned as compared in term of structural power relation like in the Philippines or many other countries in S. America. We do not have big, fully private land owners like in those counties. Indeed such company may be useful, open to the poor landless peasants, only if it is under people's public scrutiny. They have a lot of money that at any time may be siphoned from the state budget. With such money they may use to improve people life condition, but they may also take advantage from it to put pressure on poor rural population with financing raid in those remote areas.

The latter is what is happening in our areas, particularly Ciamis in W. Java.

Friends, you may follow some of below news stories from local mass media. The stories +tell you about our fight to drive away unsubstantiated accusation of the police. Police should be fair and works of public good, while fighting to justice in law enforcement and not directed its weapons to the rural poor.

We forcefully assert our response to claim back the lands that belong to our ancestors. We have also to remind the state's obligation to respect people's rights to live, to participate in the development projects, to food, to housing, to provide jobs, etc.

1 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

Sebagai orang Banjarsari (Pahauran 03/06 Sindangsari Banjarsari Ciamis Jabar) saya sangat bangga, mengapa? karena di sebuah desa yang maaf terpencil terdapat sebuah sekolah yang mengedepankan sebuah kurikulum berbasiskan pertanian. Kita akui bahwasanya saat ini banyak pemuda kita khususnya di Banjarsari yang menurut saya sudah enggan untuk terjun ke sawah, berkebun, dsb. Kebanyakan dari mereka memilih untuk bekerja di kota daripada mengembangkan pertanian di daerahnya. Padahal, apabila pertanian dikembangkan dengan benar, maka bisa menguntungkan baik dari segi materi maupun nonmateri yang hasilnya tidak kalah dengan penghasilan di kota. Ya..............................semoga dengan adanya sekolah ini bisa menyadarkan masyarakat bahwasanya sekolah pertanian merupakan sekolah yang bisa dijadikan sarana untuk mengembangkan pertanian di Banjarsari.