
Dianto gets research grant fellowship to 'fuel the world'

We are very happy to hear that our beloved teacher of our teachers, named Dianto Bachriadi --who do not know him yet? please google him out-- is announced this month to be the recipient of a generous grant for his new, on-going, important academic research, entitled "Fuelling the World with Alternative Progress and Impacts of the Development of Agrofuel Industries of the Rural Communities in SE Asia" from the Asian Public Intelectuals program funded by the Nippon Foundation.

Marvelous, is not it?

You can also see in the state radio RRI website that along with Dianto there are other five fellows awarded.

Dianto has been 'ordained' by an international organization for rural poor of Brothers of the Human Being (Frères des Hommes) as the founder of the Rolling Stones political party in Indonesia. Read the story here. And now he is 'ordained' by senior researcher Taufik Abdullah as 'public intellectual'. Are you not happy, kang Gèpèng? The latest is his nickname.

He wrote different books, useful for you to realise the continuing injustice in Indonesia, like Land Grabbing in Tapos and Cimacan cases in W. Java, in which former president Soeharto unilaterally took over farmers' land for his own political interests ..

And his image is taken from Frères des Homme' website ..

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